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Stina Vugava 750ml


Stina Vugava 750ml is made from Vugava grapes grown in vineyards on the island of Vis near Brač. Vugava is an indigenous grape variety with great potential. With the use of modern methods of Viticulture and Enology, we are just beginning to discover its potential and what it has to offer.

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Stina Vugava 750ml

Product Specifications

Stina Vugava 750ml is made from Vugava grapes grown in vineyards on the island of Vis near Brač. Vugava is an indigenous grape variety with great potential. With the use of modern methods of Viticulture and Enology, we are just beginning to discover its potential and what it has to offer. This wine has a fine discrete aroma of honey and citruses, characteristic freshness and a balance that is even more evident with aging. The grapes come from old vineyards in the interior of the island Vis. Everything in the vineyards is carried out manually, and the harvest is performed in the early morning in order to preserve freshness and flavor of grapes. It is considered a native variety from Vis Island, although there are some ideas connecting it to Brač. However, Vugava from Vis is very different from her Brač counterparts.

Product Specifications
Name: Stina Vugava 750ml
Croatian Producers:

* Manufacture dates on images and products are representative only. All bottles sold at Witrina are updated from the latest safra.

About the Producer
When thoughts wander towards Brač, you feel stone under your fingers. Simple, cruel in its beauty. The eyes see its noble white color which, like a blank canvas, invites creation. Perhaps that is why Brač, as a source of inspiration, is home to numerous poets, writers, painters, sculptors… Determined dreamers who are interwoven with it like the land of Brac. And we are one of those dreamers. That’s why we decided to make it in the middle of the stone vineyards that will bear incredible fruit. In fields covered with rocks, on vertical cliffs above the sea, we make wine that can bear no other name than Stina. Defiant in the making, full of love in every taste.
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